
Long-term benefits

Research shows that a positive pre-school program for children has a beneficial effect on their further education. Children who have completed a high-quality pre-school program have better vocabulary, reading, writing and math skills. In addition, they have better social skills and can more easily adapt to changes and new situations.
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Basis for education

For many children, kindergarten is the basis of their education. Here they can play and learn, which are two activities that often overlap. Kindergarten is a big step for children and a big decision for many parents. The quality of the education you choose for your children at this stage has a major impact on their further development. We focus on developing the skills of your children so that they will soon go to school with confidence and enthusiasm.

International Exchanges

During our international exchanges, creative and cultural themes are combined in a safe, experiential atmosphere. Your children are introduced to the working methods of international culture providers. International exchanges in 2020: 28 & 29 March - Antwerp (POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19) 25, 26 & 27 May - Paris (POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19) 28 & 29 August - London (RESERVED)
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